Industry News
Technology rapidly detects water contamination
Researchers have developed a diagnostic platform that can quickly turn around results presently achieved in 24 to 48 hours.
[ + ]Carbon offset providers under the spotlight
Australian carbon offset providers will be placed under the spotlight with an independent ranking of the sector to be released in September. It aims to increase consumers' confidence about whether what they’re buying will actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
[ + ]Queensland carbon capture project
In a first for Queensland, CSIRO and Tarong Energy today announced a $5 million joint pilot project to capture greenhouse gases.
[ + ]Guidelines offer better disposal options for SA
Since being introduced, the ‘Environmental Management of Landfill Guidelines (municipal solid waste and commercial and industrial wastes)’ have had a significant impact on landfills in South Australia, leading to improved environmental practices.
[ + ]Companies sign clean coal energy agreement
EESTech Inc and China’s Datong Coal Mine Group have signed an exclusive agreement to undertake a feasibility and project development program that will use methane and waste coal to supply power for the mining operations.
[ + ]Australian Museum Eureka Prizes People's Choice Award announced
Nicole Kuepper has been voted Australia’s favourite scientist in the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes People’s Choice Award.
[ + ]Alcoa funds chair in sustainable water management
Alcoa and Murdoch University are tackling water management head on with the establishment of a Professor of Sustainable Water Management.
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A smarter grid for greener power
The UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures is leading a national research project to develop an electricity network for Australia that is smarter, greener and more efficient.
[ + ]Irrigation water use down by 29%
In 2006–07, irrigation water use decreased by 29% from the previous year to 7636 gigalitres, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
[ + ]Altium supports solar car teams
Altium is supporting two student projects from the University of New South Wales and the University of Iowa to design, build and race solar cars.
[ + ]Invention to save 40% of household water used
Australian inventor Geoffrey Foster believes the Waterfuse Watersaver, which claims to save 40% of household water use, is the 'silver bullet' governments are seeking to manage the looming water crisis.
[ + ]Business waste gets $23 million government and industry recycle makeover
Recent data from Australian waste management company Transpacific Industries Group Ltd suggests fewer than 20% of Australian businesses recycle.
[ + ]Brisbane-based CSIRO research hub announced
Research into climate change, water management and managing Australia's ecosystems are some of the CSIRO science to be conducted at the Ecosciences Precinct at Boggo Road Urban Village, Brisbane, due for completion in 2011.
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