$30 million call for groundwater proposals

Thursday, 13 March, 2008

Eligible organisations are invited to submit proposals for funding under the $30 million Centre for Groundwater Research and Training.

“The national Centre for Groundwater Research and Training is being established under the National Groundwater Action Plan,” Ken Matthews, CEO of the National Water Commission, said.

“The centre will build up Australia’s groundwater knowledge and tackle the critical shortage of skilled groundwater scientists and managers.

“Compared to surface water, groundwater has been the poor cousin of Australian water resources, with limited time and effort being devoted to its planning, management and sustainable development.

“This new centre, together with the other elements of the National Groundwater Action Plan, will underpin sustainable management of our groundwater resources and advance the reforms agreed to under the National Water Initiative objectives.”

The primary function of the centre will be to train postgraduate and postdoctoral scientists in advanced hydrogeological and related technologies, as well as improving knowledge of groundwater connectivity and policy and management issues confronting water managers.

Proposals are due by 30 May 2008.

For more information, visit http://www.arc.gov.au/ncgp/sri/groundwater.htm.

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