Green paper on Developing Northern Australia

Wednesday, 11 June, 2014

Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss has released the green paper on Developing Northern Australia. The development of the region is a priority for the Australian Government, the minister said.

“Further growth and investment will, of course, have direct benefits across northern Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia, but that prosperity will spread to all Australians,” said Truss.

“Farmers and business developers in southern parts of the country will be eyeing the opportunities in the north to expand and diversify their interests.

“This has been part of our plan to put regional Australia at the heart of a national economic recovery.”

Truss said the government wants to:

  • develop a food bowl, including premium produce, which could help to double Australia’s agricultural output;
  • build an energy export industry worth $150 billion to the economy, with a major focus on clean and efficient energy, providing major increases to resource exports; and
  • grow the tourist economy in northern Australia to 2 million international tourists a year.

“It’s a vision that is achievable and embraces the north’s strengths and natural advantages in agriculture, cattle production, energy generation, tourism growth and education and health service expansion,” he said.

The green paper sets out six policy directions to develop northern Australia further, and invites public comment and debate on these by 8 August 2014. The options include:

  • delivering economic infrastructure;
  • improving land use and access;
  • improving water access and management;
  • promoting trade and investment, and strengthening the business environment;
  • fostering education, research and innovation; and
  • enhancing governance.

The Northern Australia Advisory Group will meanwhile provide expert advice on developing northern Australia to the members of the Northern Australia Strategic Partnership - the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, the Premiers of Queensland and Western Australia and the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory. The group will be chaired by the former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, the Hon Shane Stone AC QC.

Truss said the advisory group’s “combined knowledge and experiences are necessary to help shape the Australian Government’s policy directions, to be outlined in a white paper on Developing Northern Australia due out later this year”.

Two new studies were released yesterday which outline potential new irrigation and power generation opportunities in north and northwest Queensland. The North and Northwest Queensland Sustainable Resources Feasibility Studies: The Dalrymple Scheme report was prepared by GHD for Townsville Enterprise with funding from the Australian Government.

“These studies are a solid foundation upon which we can build when it comes to creating new opportunities for north and northwest Queensland,” Truss said.

“The report reflects the government’s focus and commitment to Northern Australia, and the economic benefits that can flow from new irrigation and power generation operations.

“The report’s structure will help potential investors by identifying the next steps in developing these opportunities, and I commend this report to anyone interested in the opportunities and challenges of investing in the region.”

The Australian Water Association (AWA) has welcomed the release of the green paper and congratulated the advisory group members. The association said the six issues articulated by the paper are aligned with the key areas that AWA believes need to be the focus to develop a prosperous Australia.

“The Australian Water Association offers their assistance in providing information and know-how to the Advisory Group on the key issues identified in the report,” said AWA Chief Executive Jonathan McKeown. “The association especially wants the panel to understand the true value of water as an economic driver, and its importance across all key themes.

“Sustainable water management is of the highest priority; however, it should be also noted that water is the single biggest driver for economic prosperity in Australia. The food and beverage industry, agribusiness, power and energy, mining and tourism all depend on water and its proper management to succeed.

“With Northern Australia’s access to Asia there is opportunity for unprecedented economic growth; however, we must ensure we get the development plan right to guarantee long-term prosperity with no ongoing negative environmental consequences.”

For a copy of the green paper and to lodge a submission, visit

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