Water > Management

Researchers reduce herbicide run-off in sugar cane crops

16 October, 2013

Scientists from CSIRO's Water for a Healthy Country Flagship have trialled a new approach to sugar cane plantation weed management in select Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchments.

Public submissions invited on water reform progress

27 September, 2013

The National Water Commission is inviting public submissions to inform its 2014 triennial assessment of water reform progress under the National Water Initiative.

Are there drugs in our water?

16 September, 2013

Recreational drugs could become a major source of Australian urban water contamination, scientists warn.

EPA South Australia releases Adelaide Coastal Water Quality Improvement Plan

29 August, 2013

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released the finalised Adelaide Coastal Water Quality Improvement Plan (ACWQIP) - a culmination of over five years' work and consultation with key stakeholders and the community for the improvement of water quality along Adelaide's coastline.

Better protecting groundwater from toxic waste

20 August, 2013

A research team has developed a better way to protect groundwater from acids, heavy metals and toxic chemicals - such as those found in mining, industrial and domestic waste - which would otherwise contaminate the water for decades, rendering it unusable and undrinkable.

Australia takes its water management expertise to Asia

08 July, 2013

CSIRO scientists are applying their knowledge in trans-boundary river basin management to improve the livelihoods of people living in some of the poorest parts of Asia. CSIRO and its partners have begun work in the Koshi River Basin, which stretches from China, across the Himalayas through Nepal and discharges into the Ganges River in India.

Farmers want water ‘banked’ for future droughts

20 May, 2013

A survey shows that farmers in the Namoi catchment area in the Murray Darling Basin are mainly supportive of water banking - storing surplus water underground - from large floods.

Schneider Electric showcases water-sector solutions at OzWater

07 May, 2013

At the OzWater conference and exhibition in Perth this week, Schneider Electric is demonstrating customised solutions designed to help Australian water and utility organisations better manage their operating and energy costs.

Computer simulation to protect water supply

11 April, 2013

Researchers at the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training have developed a new model to predict where - and how fast - polluted groundwater can move from a contaminated site, allowing water managers to better locate and clean up the water.

Honeywell selected for water distribution project in Kuwait

10 April, 2013

Honeywell today announced that it has been selected by Kuwait’s Ministry of Electricity and Water to modernise the water distribution network that supplies more than 1.2 billion litres of fresh water daily to Kuwait’s growing population.

Water management for regional community

04 April, 2013

An integrated water project servicing the towns of Agnes Water and Seventeen Seventy in Queensland has been designed for growth across the region without causing environmental damage to the pristine environment. TRILITY was contracted by the Gladstone Regional Council to provide the new infrastructure, including a wastewater treatment facility and seawater desalination plant.

Software modelling predicts water consumption and helps plan future investments

12 March, 2013 by Andrew Collins

Water services provider Veolia has used Australian software in a European trial of water demand prediction, achieving an accuracy rate of 99.5%.

New tool to assist with on-farm irrigation management

26 February, 2013

NIWA researchers are working with five Canterbury farmers to develop and trial an innovative tool that generates tailored, site-specific weather forecasts to help manage irrigation.

Rainfall engineering for droughts and floods

14 February, 2013

A University of Waikato scientist says we need to rethink the way we collect and store water.

Contemplating urban water management in cities of the future

30 January, 2013 by Professor Tony Wong*, Chief Executive Officer, Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities

Recent occurrences in Australia of severe droughts, heatwave conditions and floods highlight the vulnerability of future cities (and towns) to the chronic and acute effects of climatic extremes.

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