Dwyer Instruments PBLT2 submersible level transmitters
17 August, 2010The PBLT2 submersible level transmitters measure the height of liquid above the position in the tank, referenced to atmospheric pressure.
Geotech AEMS automated extraction monitoring system
16 June, 2010Geotech’s AEMS is an automated extraction monitoring system used to measure methane (CH4), CO2, O2, with options for H2S and CO measurement.
Sensorex CS511 dissolved oxygen probe
01 June, 2010 byThe Sensorex CS511 rugged, low-maintenance sensor consists of a self-polarising galvanic cell that generates a millivolt signal proportional to the amount of oxygen present in the measured medium (typically water).
Pulsar Sludge Finder 2 sludge level measurement
31 May, 2010 byPulsar’s Sludge Finder 2 accurately measures interface levels in primary or secondary settlement tanks and SBR systems. Operating ultrasonically through liquid, the system uses echo processing algorithms to identify the sludge interface level using digital echo processing techniques.
Macherey-Nagel PF-12 photometer
24 May, 2010 byMacherey-Nagel has released a photometer, the PF-12, a lower-priced alternative to the more technically advanced 500 D.
Thermo Scientific AquaSensors RDO Pro DO sensor
18 May, 2010The AquaSensors RDO Pro DO advanced optical dissolved oxygen sensor, for wastewater monitoring, can be connected directly to a PLC for seamless integration with industrial control systems.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Orion Star RDO series optical dissolved oxygen meters
01 March, 2010The Orion Star RDO series of optical dissolved oxygen meters is claimed to ensure accuracy with the least amount of maintenance.
Water management solution for council
01 February, 2010 byThe Upper Hunter Shire Council (UHSC) presented some interesting problems when it had a need for a high-tech solution to its water management and control for the townships of Aberdeen and Scone, with possible future expansion within their 2.9 million hectare jurisdiction. A previous supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) network was well overdue for upgrade and the latest environmental laws meant that dramatic changes and demands on water management had occurred since the original installation.
Endress+Hauser TOCII CA72 analyser
01 February, 2010 byThe continuous and batch monitoring of TOC (total organic carbon) in industrial wastewater is now much simpler and more cost effective with the TOCII CA72 analyser. Industrial, manufacturing and process plants need to be extremely careful in treating their wastewater. The TOC levels must be carefully monitored and the wastewater adequately treated before being discharged into the municipal system. Too-high levels result in severe penalties.
Sydney Water’s liquid waste management
18 January, 2010A new initiative by Sydney Water is being implemented to manage liquid trade waste.
Hawk Sultan 234 series of acoustic wave level transmitters
14 January, 2010 byThe Hawk Sultan 234 series of acoustic wave level transmitters can be powered using loop power (2-wire), 3- or 4-wire sources. The instruments emit an acoustic wave pulse, which is then reflected from the surface of the material being measured. The reflected signal is processed using specially developed software to enhance the correct signal and reject false or spurious echoes. The measured signal is temperature compensated to provide maximum accuracy to the outputs and display.
Bintech dissolved oxygen monitor
11 November, 2009The Crius 3200 dissolved oxygen monitor has an optional automatic in situ calibration check that can be set at user-defined time intervals.
Consistency meter
10 November, 2009 byThe LQ500 consistency (density) meter provides accurate and reliable measurement of density for various applications.
Retractable sensor fitting
11 September, 2009 byYokogawa has developed a retractable sensor fitting that offers a flexible approach to online liquid analytical measurements in a wide range of process industries.
Inline analyser
28 May, 2009 byThe in situ measurement of ammonium and nitrate is now possible with the ISEmax CAS40. The robust inline probe is claimed to be able to reduce the energy costs associated with aeration systems in nitrification and denitrification processes in wastewater treatment.