Endress+Hauser TOCII CA72 analyser

Monday, 01 February, 2010 | Supplied by: Endress+Hauser Australia Pty Ltd

The continuous and batch monitoring of TOC (total organic carbon) in industrial wastewater is now much simpler and more cost effective with the TOCII CA72 analyser. Industrial, manufacturing and process plants need to be extremely careful in treating their wastewater. The TOC levels must be carefully monitored and the wastewater adequately treated before being discharged into the municipal system. Too-high levels result in severe penalties.

This high-temperature TOC analyser uses an exchangeable combustion unit to reduce maintenance downtime by 80%, and a unique rotating shaft filter to eliminate blockages by particles larger than 200 microns. Further reductions in maintenance downtime can be achieved by installing a removable salt trap.

The CA72 analyser uses high temperature to break down complex carbons enabling the TOC/TC levels in wastewater to be monitored. Measuring times of 7-12 minutes in batch mode and 3-15 minutes in continuous mode are possible. The measuring range: is 0.25-12,000 mg/L and the instrument is optimised for applications with varying pH values and very high salinity - making it suitable for use in all industrial wastewater applications.

With the CA72, the combustion unit can be easily removed and replaced. This is in contrast to conventional designs which are built with fixed ovens. This allows the instrument to quickly start up again, reducing combustion unit maintenance time by up to 5 h. The exchangeable combustion unit now gives users the opportunity to perform quick proactive maintenance, reducing the chance of the system needing maintenance during a critical measurement time. To meet the set regulatory standards, TOC analysers must measure all organic carbon particles smaller than 200 microns. To eliminate the possibility of particles larger than 200 micron blocking the filter, Endress+Hauser has designed a unique rotating shaft filter. This allows the water and smaller particles to pass through, with the larger material being diverted to waste. This design keeps the filter free of blockage and eliminates the need for filter replacement.

Online: www.au.endress.com
Phone: 1300 363 707
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