Waste > Machinery/equipment

Multichopper for handling waste streams

22 October, 2007

The Multichopper is suitable for inline macerating in a wide range of local authority and industrial applications. The fluid/solid mixture flows from one side to the other side of the macerator and would be installed in front of a positive displacement pump.

Liquid medical waste disposal

22 October, 2007

The safe removal of medical waste is simplified using Clini-Sorb super absorbent granules. Just apply to spills for easy clean-up of blood, vomit, urine or any other liquid bio-hazardous material. The granules will solidify the solution into a gel.

Hume City Council receives award

09 October, 2007

Hume City Council has won the Spatially Enabling Government Award for its development of a spatial mapping system to support its waste collection process. This has significantly improved the efficiency of its customer services department, which received over 11,000 queries relating to waste collection in the last 12 months.

Bin cleaning service

24 September, 2007

Jim's Bin Cleaning works with garbage collection schedules in local areas to clean wheelie bins on the day they are emptied. Using a portable bin cleaning unit this water-efficient service cleans, sanitises and deodorises bins using a high-pressure water pump.

Filter media for dust collectors

25 July, 2007

Ultra-Web nanofibre cartridge filters capture sub-micron particles achieving 40% lower emissions and are claimed to last twice as long as traditional commodity filters. The web-like layer of nanofibres encourages dust particles to rapidly accumulate on the filter surface building a thin, permeable dust-stopping filter cake.

Name change sweeps in a new era

16 July, 2007

The MacDonald Johnston Engineering Company, with a 55-year history in supplying street sweeping and refuse collection equipment, is now known as MacDonald Johnston.

Hydraulics drive a new benchmark for waste management

11 May, 2007

In 1998 the seven local Perth councils comprising the Southern Metropolitan Regional Council (SMRC) sent 87% of all domestic waste to landfill

Solution for hazardous solid wastes

29 January, 2007

Evashred Shredders has an updated range of mobile shredders and accessories to improve the automation during hazardous waste collection. At the centre of its technology is its EV60C Shredder. A range of accessories to automate pick-up and handling for the operator/driver is also available.

Intelligent robots help minimise waste

20 December, 2006

UniSA's Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Research (CAMR), in collaboration with industry partner Dematec, has developed a novel automated manufacturing process by introducing the zero waste management principle


20 October, 2006

Shimadzu Electronic Balances include the UniBloc Systems range of top-loading balances, analytical balances and semi-micro units as well as high precision and high capacity platform balances. All balances feature the latest digital processing technology ensuring good resolution, stability, increased sensitivity, rapid response times and reliable operation.

Vertical bales

22 September, 2006

The large Elephants Foot 2.25 m3 bailer can bale cartons and plastics with minimum effort and labour time. The most labour-intensive job is tying and ejecting bales. It takes the same time to tie a 100 kg block, 10 to a tonne as a 400 kg one, 3 to a tonne.

Underground collection system

22 September, 2006

The Iceberg underground collection system uses hidden capacity below ground level to create a neat and tidy resource recovery unit. The practical design and logical system provides multiple benefits to both users and collectors. The system can be built to user requirements.

Cleaning validation system

21 August, 2006

The Kaye Validator ITMS is a portable at-line instrument for accelerating the cleaning validation process. Operators can assess system cleanliness at-line with no delay, and get production lines up and running quickly. As an alternative to traditional analytical techniques (HPLC and TOC), this instrument can provide gains in production line utilisation and capacity.

Self-tipping skips

21 August, 2006

Actisafe has released several ranges of self-tipping skips suitable for use in general industrial applications as well as the food processing and handling industries.

Bin lid company purchased

14 August, 2006

Sulo MGB Australia has announced the purchase of the family-owned business Rabbit Plastics, situated at Kempsey on the mid North Coast of NSW.

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