New GECA CEO calls for significant green claims to be verified
02 November, 2012Rupert Posner, the newly appointed CEO of Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA), says consumers need independent reassurance to avoid being taken in by greenwashing.
Framework for public sector sustainability reporting
01 November, 2012Global Reporting Initiative’s Focal Point Australia has released research demonstrating how public sector sustainability reporting can increase public accountability and improve operational efficiency while reducing the reporting burden.
LSBF unveils MBA with carbon management specialisation
31 October, 2012The London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) has launched a Global MBA with a specialisation in aarbon management.
Diverse transport options build more sustainable communities, says GBCA
31 October, 2012Increasing the uptake of walking, riding and use of public transport requires a strategic, holistic approach, says Australia’s green building organisation.
Grants support smarter energy use across the community
30 October, 2012New funding rounds for three energy efficiency grant programs have been announced.
Aucklanders to get a bite-sized taste of business sustainability insights
25 October, 2012Auckland companies can get a sustainability edge at the ‘business only’ afternoon at the Sustainable City Showcase at The Cloud on Queens Wharf on 22 November.
UNDP unveils ambitious global strategy to protect biodiversity
22 October, 2012The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has unveiled a robust environmental strategy to address unprecedented levels of global biodiversity loss.
Biotechnology talk during Melbourne Knowledge Week
19 October, 2012As part of Melbourne Knowledge Week, a talk on Australian biotechnology is being held on 29 November from 5.30-7.30 pm at Hilton on the Park, Melbourne.
Industry experts join forces at water and waste management symposium
18 October, 2012Leaders from Germany’s water and waste management industry will meet with policymakers and local business partners at the Green Tech Industry Conference on 29 October 2012 in Sydney.
Eco Expo Asia highlights green technology’s importance to global business growth
18 October, 2012The seventh edition of Eco Expo Asia, a professional trade fair dedicated to green business in Asia, will be held from 27-30 October at AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong.
$1 million in funding released for innovative water projects
02 October, 2012The Smart Water Fund has announced that it will make available $1 million in funding to support innovative urban water projects. This will be the fund’s 10th round of funding, with applications opening in mid-October.
Sustainability education guidebook released
02 October, 2012A guidebook on school and community learning partnerships for sustainability, Conversations on School - Community Learning Partnerships for Sustainability (A Guidebook), was launched in Melbourne this morning.
Landmark energy program findings set to be revealed
27 September, 2012The results of Australia’s groundbreaking Solar Cities projects are set to be revealed as each of the project leaders prepares to meet and share their learnings with industry leaders at the Solar Cities 2012 conference.
UniQuest start-up secures first Southern Cross Renewable Energy investment
26 September, 2012A novel Australian solar technology with the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of solar panels will be the first investment by the Southern Cross Renewable Energy Fund under the Australian Government’s Renewable Energy Venture Capital Fund.
US to lead clean energy and climate talks at Major Economies Forum
24 September, 2012Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Mark Dreyfus will represent Australia this week at the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF) in the United States.