
CommScope joins The Green Grid

25 July, 2008

CommScope Enterprise Solutions has joined The Green Grid, a global consortium dedicated to advancing energy efficiency in data centres and business computing ecosystems.

Nanotechnology that harvests energy from movement

16 July, 2008 by Elizabeth Latham

Nanotechnology researchers are working on a 'power shirt' which aims to replace batteries.

Company acquisition to deliver energy and water assessments

14 July, 2008

Green Invest has acquired Sustainable Footprint Pty Ltd, an environmental company focused on delivering energy and water assessments.

‘Fuel for thought’ on transport sector challenges

14 July, 2008

A report on how Australia can best respond to the environmental and economic challenges arising from its dependence on fossil fuels for transport is being released in Melbourne.

Funding sparks power saving

07 July, 2008

A South Australian company, with the potential to significantly cut power bills and associated carbon emissions, has received funding to deliver its power-saving breakthrough to market within 12 months.

Cleantech Index outperforms market for second year running

03 July, 2008

The ACT Australian CleanTech Index has outperformed both the S&P ASX200 and the S&P Small Ordinaries for the second year running.

Hat with solar-powered light

01 July, 2008 | Supplied by:

The 2C Light Solar Cap is solar-charged, personal lighting system, cleverly built into a stylish hat. It is lightweight, combining functionality with style and sustainability.

National energy essay competition open

20 June, 2008

Young Australians are invited to help secure the nation’s energy future by presenting their ideas in an entry paper for The Warren Centre’s National Energy Essay Competition.

Crystals could change the way solar energy is used

17 June, 2008

University of Queensland researchers have made a discovery that produces highly efficient miniature crystals which could change the way solar energy is used and harvested.

Survey reveals opportunities

17 June, 2008

The majority of respondents surveyed in the Asia-Pacific region (64%) identified their region as having great growth potential, according to the 'Turning Up the Heat — an insight into M&A (mergers and acquisitions) in the renewable energy sector in 2008’ survey.

Sydney program to slash greenhouse gases

11 June, 2008

Sydney’s sustainability program CitySwitch Green Office is going national. The program, which began as a joint initiative of three Sydney councils, will welcome Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth to the program helping commercial tenants improve their energy efficiency and reduce harmful CO2 emissions which contribute to climate change.

Fossil fuels to power vehicles to 2050

05 June, 2008

Despite high world oil prices and major efforts to develop alternative fuels, the world’s car fleet will continue to be powered predominantly by fossil fuels over the next 40 to 50 years, according to the director general of the world’s peak motoring body, David Ward.

National recognition for geosequestration project

26 May, 2008

The CO2CRC Otway Project has received national recognition from the Cooperative Research Centres Association for its innovation in science and research.The project demonstrates geosequestration, which includes the safe compression, transport and storage of carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas, in the deep subsurface.

Energy-saving system

22 May, 2008 | Supplied by: BMASS Energy Saving Solution Pty Ltd

Power Saver is a fluorescent lighting control unit that manages power to improve lighting and energy efficiency, claiming to save up to 30% of the operating costs of fluorescent lighting power, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Australia in position to help reduce global GHG emission

22 May, 2008

Australia must work with rapidly developing nations, such as China, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to Victoria University’s Professor Peter Sheehan.

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