'Buy Recycled' research report
13 June, 2005
Research on stakeholder perceptions com-missioned by the Buy Recycled Business Alliance (BRBA) has found that 74% or 17 of the 24 members surveyed have an environ-mental committee for buying products that contain recycled materials.
New power supply for remote WA towns
03 June, 2005
A network of environmentally friendly power stations will bring more efficient and reliable electricity supplies to towns in the remote West Kimberly region of Western Australia
CSIRO gets sun smart
03 May, 2005 | Supplied by: CSIRO
CSIRO scientists will soon be taking advantage of Australia's abundance of solar energy with the start of construction on the $1.5 million National Solar Energy Technology Centre (NSETC)
Fuel analysis spectrometer on the Queen Mary II
20 April, 2005
The Spectroil M/F Fuel Analysis Spectrometer will be used on the Queen Mary II cruise ship to monitor the quality of the fuel in the aero-derivative gas turbines used aboard the ship for propulsion.