Industry News
Local companies acclaimed on world stage
Three innovative Australian technologies have won Global 100 Eco-Tech Awards at the 2005 World Expo currently being held in Aichi, Japan.
[ + ]Wind power gathering force
The Australian Council of National Trusts (ACNT) and the Australian Wind Energy Association (AusWEA) have released a collaborative report on the visual impacts of wind farms.
[ + ]Victorian Government announces Enviro 06 partnership
The Victorian government has announced its partnership in the Enviro 06 Convention & Exhibition, which will be held in Melbourne from 7-10 May next year.
[ + ]Magnet attracts resource recovery
Hundreds of tonnes of ferrous metals are being diverted from landfill by a giant magnet at the Jacks Gully Waste and Recycling Centre operated by WSN Environmental Solutions at Narellan, NSW.
[ + ]New Zealand acquisition expands Australian company's range
Australian designer and manufacturer of water pump and pressure systems, Davey Products has acquired the New Zealand-based water treatment company, Contamination Control.
[ + ]Wave power trials begin in WA
A wave energy generator has been positioned on the sea floor off Fremantle, Western Australia to start trial production of electricity and fresh water with no fossil fuel input.
[ + ]Steel can recycling campaign at Coles supermarkets
During March, the Steel Can Recycling Council and Coles Supermarkets ran a promotional campaign to boost the levels of awareness among consumers of the recyclability of steel packaging.
[ + ]Australians slash plastic bag use by 1.34 billion bags
New figures released in a Planet Ark report commissioned by the Australian government have revealed that Australians have cut their plastic bag habit by 1.34 billion bags a year. However, they are still using 5.58 billion plastic checkout bags a year.
[ + ]WEEE man and recycling banks two great UK ideas
A seven-metre tall figure composed of three tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has been installed at South Bank, London.
[ + ]National cigarette butt anti-littering campaign
The first national 'Butt Free City - Please Butt It, Then Bin It' campaign is asking smokers to help reduce the seven billion littered butts that hit Australian footpaths, gutters and waterways every year.
[ + ]Protecting ports from toxic chemicals
Syft Technologies, producer of advanced SIFT-MS analytical solutions for large-scale identification and analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), has signed a significant export order with Australian Customs Services (Customs) to supply five Voice100 instruments to ports in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth. The order is worth in excess of NZ$2m and is to be delivered by June 2005.
[ + ]New name reflects greener, keener business image
In a move that reflects its positioning in the brave new no-waste world of sustainable resource management, Waste Service NSW has changed its name to WSN Environmental Solutions.
[ + ]ACCC gives councils green light on collective tendering
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has allowed a group of Sydney councils to collectively tender and contract for the provision of waste manage-ment services.
[ + ]ANSTO reports on its corporate social responsibility
The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) is one of the first Australian government agencies to publish a corporate social responsibility (CSR) report.
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