New name reflects greener, keener business image

Wednesday, 06 July, 2005

In a move that reflects its positioning in the brave new no-waste world of sustainable resource management, Waste Service NSW has changed its name to WSN Environmental Solutions.

The new name, the first part of which spells 'NSW' backwards, is intended to reflect a transition from waste disposal to environmentally sustainable resource recovery, as well as a transformation from a government service provider to a competitive business.

"When Waste Service NSW was established in 1971 it was a government agency that managed landfills for the disposal of waste," WSN En-vironmental Solutions chief executive officer Ken Kanofski explained. "Today it is a keenly com-petitive business offering customers a range of services that cover the complete journey of waste from kerbside collection to recycling, resource recovery, treatment and disposal.

"We have been at the forefront of innovation in the industry, having pioneered the generation of green electricity from waste, and now provide enough electricity to power up to 30,000 homes a year. Last year we opened Sydney's first alternative waste technology facility for household waste at Eastern Creek in partnership with Global Renewables," he said.

With the name change has come the introduction of independently verified sustainability reporting on key environmental indicators. These include green-house gas emissions, the amount of landfill space avoided through recycling initiatives and water reduction. New customer service standards, a community sponsorship program and an education program for schools are all part of the new-look business packaging under the WSN Environmental Solutions brand.

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