Oil spill response training

Wednesday, 17 August, 2005 | Supplied by: http://www.globalspill.com.au/

The Three CCC's Oil Spills on Land training course is designed to instruct personnel to safely and practically respond to minor spills within the workshop, factory, plant or work area using correct procedures, equipment and conventions.

The training course provides an understanding of the environmental concerns that relevant authorities have towards damage caused by oil spills.

Participants are encouraged to reflect on their own hydrocarbon handling procedures and to consider contingency plans.

Discussion and information is provided concerning the different types of absorbents that are available on the market.

The course includes a segment on the properties of hydrocarbons and the techniques and equipment to control, contain and clean up spills.

A number of hands-on demonstrations are used to illustrate important aspects of various types of products.

The important issues of bio-remediation, disposal and incident reporting are covered in the course.

A short test allows the presenter to review points and ensure those attending have grasped the important issues.

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