Endress+Hauser Liquiline System CA80AM colorimetric analysing system

Tuesday, 02 September, 2014 | Supplied by: Endress+Hauser Australia Pty Ltd

Combining high precision with easy operation and maintenance, the Endress+Hauser Liquiline System CA80AM colorimetric analysing system for ammonium and its sample preparations are suitable for all critical control points of water and wastewater treatment.

The online system uses the indophenol blue method (the standard colorimetric measuring principle) which provides precise ammonium measurements. Compared to laboratory measurements, the system can deliver values faster which enables a quick reaction to varying ammonium loads at the inlet and finetuning of the blower systems in the aeration basin. In the outlet, the analysing system helps to achieve regulation-compliant ammonium values and to provide the required documentation to water authorities.

As a member of the company’s Liquiline platform, Liquiline System shares the platform’s user-friendly operation. The platform concept makes it possible to upgrade the analyser to a measuring station simply by connecting Memosens sensors. Memosens technology also enables plug and play and allows full control of the sample preparations by the analyser, speeding up commissioning and operation.

The system’s sample preparations are suitable for all critical control points of ammonium and the system is adapted to the rough conditions of an inlet. Its automatic back-flush function with cleaning solution and air cleaning prevent blocking of the ceramic filter. The system is the standard solution for the aeration basin or the outlet that can be flexibly adapted to any wastewater treatment plant. Cost-efficient sample preparation in the outlet or in pressurised pipes is done by the system that reflects process changes promptly and shortens the response time of downstream measuring devices.

The system is designed with precise dispensers for reagent dosing and an intelligent cooling system. This ensures reduced consumption and a reagent lifetime of up to three months. Automatic cleaning and calibration functions ensure that the analyser and its sample preparation work reliably and without manual intervention over a long period of time. If disturbances should occur, advanced diagnostics with remote access help plant managers to analyse them quickly. Required maintenance measures can be carried out easily without any tools. This can reduce maintenance costs and increase process uptime.

Online: www.au.endress.com
Phone: 1300 363 707
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