moviBoost pressure systems
22 February, 2007 | Supplied by: KSB Ajax Pumps
The moviBoost pressure systems consist of multiple Movitec vertical multistage stainless steel pumps, mounted on a common base plate together with stainless steel suction and discharge manifolds complete with valves.
Urban stormwater management manual
20 December, 2006 | Supplied by: EA Books
The manual titled Australian Runoff Quality: A Guide to Water Sensitive Urban Design was prepared by Engineers Australia's National Committee for Water Engineering and published in March this year by Engineers Media.
Australian Water Recycling & Infrastructure Summit
22 November, 2006
IIR Conferences’ Australian Water Recycling & Infrastructure Summit aims to provide a balanced, far-reaching analysis of the current issues, featuring presentations and case studies from water experts from across the country.
Leak detection service
21 November, 2006 | Supplied by: 'us' - Utility Services
'us' - Utility Services has further developed its Leak Detection Service by introducing a data compressor/logging system that is installed on water meters. It uses the GSM or CDMA network to send meter readings to a central data server that will chart the water usage of each site for viewing on the web. The web page is a secure site with access via a user name and password.
Brits in Australia to study water recycling
17 November, 2006
A mission from the UK arrives in Australia this month to study water re-use and recycling in the wake of increasing concern in the UK about the twin challenges of climate change and urban development.
Beachfront stormwater solution
20 October, 2006
Five years after its installation, an innovative stormwater treatment and reuse project at Manly Beach continues to save council over $28,000 per year
Diaphragm valve
20 October, 2006 | Supplied by:
The Type 2031 2/2-way diaphragm valve has been designed with modular options and additions for use with water treatment, biotechnology and food and beverage industry applications, particularly cleaning-in-place (CIP) and sterilising-in-place (SIP).
Kolon Industries a supplier for ITT’s water treatment solutions
06 October, 2006
ITT continues to strengthen its capabilities as a water treatment solutions provider. Kolon Industries has signed an agreement to exclusively supply membrane fibres and modules for ITT’s Membrane Bioreactors which are used in Reuse Systems and Drinking Water Systems. Kolon Industries will also support and provide ITT with long-term membrane fibre and module development.
Fittings for recycled water
22 September, 2006 | Supplied by:
The AS/NZS 3500 standard stresses that recycled water pipe systems must be clearly identified using the colour purple. In line with this, Philmac has developed a range of purple-coloured compression fittings and valves for recycled water applications.
Photometer for water analysis
22 September, 2006 | Supplied by:
Photometer 7500 is a portable photometer for water analysis. It replaces the 7000, which is used in the water utility industry and in industrial pollution monitoring.
Total microbe test kit for water
22 September, 2006 | Supplied by:
Melaklean has released a multipurpose microbial test kit which can be used to determine the quality of drinking water, wastewater, cooling-tower water and recycled water. The kit is easy to use and provides test results in 24 hours. The test kit is suitable for aerobic bacteria and can show presence of Coliform, E.coli, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Campylobacter, Listeria, Legionella and other species.
2006 Australian Water Recycling & Infrastructure Summit
14 September, 2006
Water recycling remains a provocative topic for businesses and political organisations alike. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear the latest in case studies and presentations from water industry leaders at the 2006 Australian Water Recycling & Infrastructure Summit.
How dirty is the bottom of Sydney Harbour?
13 September, 2006
We know the condition of the water in Sydney Harbour and other estuaries, bays and rivers. What about the mud at the bottom? Until now, there have not been consistent ways to measure these sediments which are essential to aquatic life.
Recycled water and wastewater treatment plants to be built
04 September, 2006
Gold Coast City Council has moved a step closer to developing Australia’s largest water sustainable community with the appointment of a contractor to construct an $80 million waste and recycled water treatment plant at Pimpama.
Understanding water recycling
24 August, 2006
When we turn the tap on, do we know what comes out? According to a water expert visiting Central Queensland University Rockhampton next week, we don’t.