New Australian Standard now available for greywater treatment systems
14 September, 2009Standards Australia, in collaboration with the South Australian Environment Protection Authority (SA EPA), has published a new Australian Standard providing the minimum requirements for greywater treatment systems installed on vessels operated on inland waters.
Greywater treatment system
29 May, 2009H20 Industries’ High Turbidity GreyWater Treatment System has been able to successfully treat greywater collected from commercial laundries, residential and office buildings to class A+ quality.
Standardising greywater treatment technologies
14 January, 2009A new protocol for testing greywater treatment technologies in Australia could boost efforts to conserve the nation’s water resources.
Bacteria turns poisons into greywater
28 May, 2008A wastewater idea that employs 'designer' bacteria to 'digest' poisons in industrial fluids has been developed by the Microbial Solutions company.
Greywater diverter system
22 October, 2007The ecoCare Grey Water Diverter System is a compact automatic system that works by collecting and harvesting water from a household's shower, bath or washing machine. When the wastewater is diverted into the system, the pump is activated, pumping the greywater to the garden.
GT600 Greywater treatment system
20 April, 2007The Oasis Domestic Greywater Treatment System (GT600) is capable of generating a saving of almost 400 L of drinking water a day for the average four-person household. It takes the greywater generated by baths, showers, laundry and hand basins and treats it to a high quality suitable for garden irrigation, toilet flushing, clothes washing and car washing.
Water disinfection system
23 March, 2007Aerocycle-Aquatherm is a water disinfection system that uses heat to remove all bacteria and pathogens from greywater and untreated effluent. The system is economical as it uses heat exchangers to recycle the energy used to initially heat the effluent. No chemicals are used in the process; however, a later addition of chlorine at 0.01 ppm for disinfection may be added.