Burning reclaimed waste
11 October, 2006Thousands of tonnes of hazardous waste are being harnessed to manufacture Australian cement in an initiative to clean up the image of one of the world’s biggest polluting industries.
Campbell Arnott's waste management upgrade
03 April, 2006Campbell Arnott's has completed a $19 million upgrade to its Arnott's Biscuit bakery in New South Wales. The upgrade included the Dolav bulk bin which is used inside and outside the factory
Self-sufficient composting
03 March, 2006The Environmental Biotechnology CRC (EBCRC), together Organic Resource Technologies (ORT) and Murdoch University, is using biotechnology in a $1.3m project to enhance a process that can convert large amounts of organic waste to compost more efficiently
Asbestos safety kit
25 October, 2005The RTSK 200 Tradesman Safety Kit is a readily accessible, ruggedly constructed carry bag that contains an assortment of items a worker will need when confronted with asbestos-containing material. The items in the kit are designed to minimise the risk association with asbestos and protect the tradesperson and those around them, to meet legal responsibilities and regulations, and suitably and legally dispose of any waste.
Churchill fellowship to study waste overseas
10 October, 2005A senior technical officer from Gosford City Council in NSW has been awarded a prestigious Churchill Fellowship to study alternative and traditional solid waste management technologies and practices overseas.