Desert Cube waterless urinal
24 June, 2005 | Supplied by: Desert Ecosystems Pty Ltd
The Desert Cube waterless urinal system uses a small dissolvable microbial cube which eliminates the need for a flushing mechanism. The system uses the existing urinal bowl or trough, transforming it to a waterless system.
Composting machine
24 June, 2005 | Supplied by:
The Orion 1400 Trommel composting machine offers the processor a versatile and productive screening plant. Both wheeled and tracked versions are available and the machine working angle is hydraulically adjustable.
Hot water system
24 June, 2005 | Supplied by:
The Wilson ECOHP commercial hot water system is suitable for dairy farmers who use the system for sterilisation and wash-down of milking machines and lines.
And the winner is...
07 June, 2005
The winner of our first draw of the 6 GB, 1500 song iPod Mini is Ann Perkins of Roche Mining in Queensland. Congratulations Ann.
Composting mobile phones
03 June, 2005
Researchers at the University of Warwick's Warwick Management Group, in conjunction with PVAXX Research & Development Ltd, have devised a novel way to recycle discarded mobile telephones - bury them and watch them transform into the flower of your choice
Human health bottom line of sustainability
26 May, 2005
The health of human populations is a truer bottom line of sustainability than the much-vaunted 'triple bottom line' approach, according to epidemiologist Tony McMichael who directs the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at the Australian National University (ANU).
Auckland aims for zero waste
23 May, 2005
The city of Auckland is aiming to have zero waste to landfill by 2015.
Plastic from plants
21 May, 2005
Plantic Technologies and Visy Industries have entered an agreement to develop and commercialise new technology based on Plantic 'plastic from plants'.
Victorian 2005 savewater! awards
18 May, 2005
Victorian Waste Streams readers with outstanding achievements in water conservation can enter the 2005 savewater! awards being run by the savewater! alliance Inc.
'Doing Sustainability' forum
16 May, 2005
The author of Cannibals with Forks, John Elkington from SustainAbility Ltd, will be a keynote speaker at a one-day forum titled 'Doing Sustainability: Moving from How to Why' to be run in Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland, 2 to 5 May.
'No guilt' over greenhouse
11 May, 2005
The Kyoto Protocol came into force on 16 February 2005. It demands a 5.2% cut in greenhouse gas emissions from the industrialised world by 2012.
Saving water in the vineyards
03 May, 2005 | Supplied by: CRC for Viticulture
A water-saving Australian vineyard technology has been found to deliver a better glass of Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon
Rockwell drives down energy costs
03 April, 2005 | Supplied by: Rockwell Automation Australia
Rockwell Automation Australia has been commissioned to install an induced draft (ID) fan upgrade at the BlueScope Steel, Port Kembla steelworks plant. Installed in December 2004, the entire upgrade is scheduled to be completed by June 2005
Water in the semiconductor industry
03 April, 2005 | Supplied by: Philips Components Pty Ltd
Philips Semiconductors Philippines in Cabuyao Laguna has developed a system to recycle final rinse water used in its polishers. To do this, the facility operates two systems - one is on standby while the other is in service
Sustainable design in housing
03 April, 2005 | Supplied by: Davey Water Products
A semi-detached residence at Clovelly in Sydney, which received a Gold Medal in the 2004 Green Building Awards, shows the water-saving solutions which can be adopted in an individual renovation or new home building project