Energy > Other alternatives

Sustaining the energy

03 December, 2005 by Paula Wallace

Sustainability has become the buzzword of industry and government in Australia over the past 10 years. At the moment, it is a modest group of companies and government agencies who are setting up sustainable frameworks

Solar energy stored efficiently

03 September, 2005

For the first time, solar energy has been successfully used in a pilot-plant to create storable energy from a metal ore. In a project funded by the EU, an important milestone has been reached

Wave power trials begin in WA

16 August, 2005

A wave energy generator has been positioned on the sea floor off Fremantle, Western Australia to start trial production of electricity and fresh water with no fossil fuel input.

'Buy Recycled' research report

13 June, 2005

Research on stakeholder perceptions com-missioned by the Buy Recycled Business Alliance (BRBA) has found that 74% or 17 of the 24 members surveyed have an environ-mental committee for buying products that contain recycled materials.

New power supply for remote WA towns

03 June, 2005

A network of environmentally friendly power stations will bring more efficient and reliable electricity supplies to towns in the remote West Kimberly region of Western Australia

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