Optimise and automate your water network — anywhere, anytime

The water industry has undergone enormous changes in the past 20 years. To ensure plants and networks kept running safely, a large team of operations staff was the norm to carry out such time-consuming tasks as manual measurements.
Today we are mainly able to operate assets remotely, which is a boon to productivity, accuracy and efficiency. However, many areas are still unable to retrieve valuable data from their remote assets. This may include the monitoring of flow volume, water quality, level and pressure, amongst others.
Planning and implementing large-scale remote monitoring solutions isn’t simple, and there are many aspects to consider at every layer. At the first layer, sensors must be accurate and low maintenance. Communications to upper layers where data management and analytics are present should be secure, reliable and able to handle large distances between network locations. At the top layer, the data analytics system must crunch vast volumes of data, define patterns, perform forecasts and eventually make decisions. Finding a single system provider with expertise in all of these layers is rare.
Endress+Hauser has developed an innovative, cloud-based monitoring solution for the comprehensive optimisation of water networks. Netilion Water Network Insights (NWNI) connects all levels of a water network and offers tailor-made solutions from a single source. These include everything from field instruments, components for data transfer, data archiving and data evaluation, and forecasting functions. NWNI provides complete data transparency enabling network operators to make informed decisions and improve operational efficiency.
Decentralised processes monitored remotely and securely
NWNI enables users to have complete access to all measurement data gathered in a water or wastewater network. By transferring to the cloud, data can be accessed at all times and locations — whether you’re in a control room, on a laptop or even a smartphone. Be it water volume, pressure, level or analytical parameters, the powerful web-based visualisation available with NWNI gives the user complete transparency. In case of failures or if limit values are exceeded, early warnings can be configured and automatically sent via email or SMS. NWNI offers a range of freely customisable charts, tables and reporting options to understand your data. By incorporating additional data sources such as weather, it is also possible to create trend analyses and forecasts. For example, using run-off behaviour during heavy rainfall to predict water demand and expected availability. We work with our customers to ensure that valuable data is transferred securely with high-level encryption features.
NWNI for drinking water networks — ensuring water quantity and quality
Water network distributors carry great responsibility. They must ensure that drinking water is distributed in sufficient quantity and quality for local households, trade and industry — whereby both peak times and average daily demand must be reliably covered. This often requires time-consuming maintenance of remote infrastructure. With NWNI, you can reduce the frequency of routine checkup tours by providing remote access to essential process variables, e.g. water quantity, quality and pressure. This reduces operating costs and increases safety for both the public and network operators, who are no longer required to travel to remote sites as often.
NWNI for wastewater networks — maintaining environment compliance
Municipal, industrial or commercial wastewater is often contaminated. Wastewater treatment plants provide a sufficient level of treatment before discharge into the environment. Strict pollution guidelines must be met prior to release to ensure downstream environments are not polluted. This generally involves the monitoring of inflow, effluent and water quality. In addition, these parameters can be remotely monitored in wastewater networks to identify illegal pollution events or initiate early warnings to downstream treatment plants. For all of these options, NWNI can provide monitoring solutions to maintain round-the-clock access to field data.
Increased sensor reliability with remote verification
The success of any remote monitoring solution hinges on the reliability of data — accurate readings are required to make informed decisions. For custody transfer applications within district metered areas (DMAs), the slightest inaccuracies in flow measurement can cause massive shortfalls in annual billing — both for suppliers and consumers. Re-calibration of flowmeters in an online process isn’t realistic due to the huge costs involved. Alternatively, flowmeter verification is commonly used to verify meter functionality, though this normally requires a site visit. With Heartbeat Technology, online verification can be performed at the push of a button, enabling compliance without interrupting the process. Combining Heartbeat Technology with NWNI, we can view verification results remotely and securely store them for future reference.
Whether in densely populated or remote regions, NWNI ensures full transparency in water and wastewater networks around the clock, allowing you to make informed decisions to improve the efficiency of your network operations.
FIND OUT MORE: https://eh.digital/waternetworks_au.
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