Zeulab Microcystest test kit for microcystins in water

Monday, 26 October, 2015 | Supplied by: Novasys Group Pty Ltd

Zeulab Microcystest test kit for microcystins in water

Microcystest is a test for the detection of microcystins and nodularins (hepatotoxins) in water. The kit is based on the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity inhibition by microcystins and is therefore able to detect the potential toxicity caused by microcystins in water samples.

Under normal conditions, the phosphatase is able to hydrolyse a specific substrate that can be detected at 405 nm. Samples containing microcystins will inhibit the enzyme activity proportionally to the amount of toxin contained in the sample. The concentration of the toxin in the sample can be calculated using a standard curve.

Microcystest is based on the inhibition of phosphatase activity and therefore able to detect potential toxicity of the sample, offering a great advantage against HPLC or ELISA. Therefore, it is able to detect all microcystins variants. The kit does not need standards of each known or unknown microcystins. The only standard used is Microcystin-LR, and results are calculated as equivalents of Microcystin-LR.

The kit is supplied in two different formats: microtitre plates and tubes. The plate kit is designed for a quantitative assay with a working range between 0.25 and 2.5 mg/L. The tube kit for semi-quantitative or quantitative determinations, with a working range from 0.5 to 2.5 mg/L, does not require a microtitre plate reader — just a normal photometer.

Each kit includes a certificate of analysis, showing the quality controls checks that assure performance.

Online: www.novasys.com.au
Phone: 03 9752 3766
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