Water level monitoring

Thursday, 22 May, 2008 | Supplied by: EnviroEquip Pty Ltd

The Level Troll 100 is an economical, absolute (non-vented) data logging instrument for monitoring and recording changes in water level, pressure and temperature.
The body and nose cone of the device are constructed of a corrosion-resistant Acetal alloy and use a ceramic pressure sensor which make it suitable for monitoring in all types of environmental waters include seawater.
The device comes with enough memory to record 32,000 data points including date, time, level, pressure and temperature, and it has linear, fast linear and event measurement log tests.
Additionally, it is operated by Win-Situ software and a USB or RS232 docking station is used for programming and downloading the user's site water level data.
The system is of primary interest to those who deploy absolute instrumentation for the monitoring and recording of short or long-term water level, pressure or temperature changes in either monitoring wells or open surface waters.
The instrument is deployed with suspension wire with depth ranges of 9, 30 and 90 m.

Phone: 03 9646 4190
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