Check-metering kit

Monday, 01 December, 2008 | Supplied by: Siemens Ltd

The Sitrans FUP1010 is a portable clamp-on unit designed for the water and wastewater industry to measure the performance of existing flowmeters.

With a heavy-duty construction, the check-metering kit adjusts between two modes of operation — transit time operation and Doppler operation — to produce good measuring results for all technology, aeration and solids percentages.

Transit time operation is the preferred mode for measuring homogeneous liquids such as primary sludge, mixed liquor or drinking water applications, with an accuracy of 0.5% of the flow. For liquids containing extensive solids or aeration percentages, such as thickened and digested sludge, the Doppler operation can automatically verify liquids with accuracy of up to 1% of the flow.

The portable unit comes with all mounting hardware to undertake on-site flow surveys and monitoring of temporary or permanent flowmeter installations. The 4 h battery is fully recharged after 1 h and the selection of transducers will fit most common pipe sizes and styles.

The kit incorporates a 1 MB data logger which produces reports and statistics that can be easily downloaded to a PC via the RS232 cable.


Phone: 137 222
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