Campbell Scientific OBS500 submersible turbidity probe

Wednesday, 19 October, 2011 | Supplied by: Campbell Scientific Aust Pty Ltd

Campbell Scientific OBS500 submersible turbidity probe

The OBS500 submersible turbidity probe with active antifouling capabilities is suitable for improved measurements in biologically active water with both high and low turbidity.

It outputs an SDI-12, digitally processed signal that many data loggers can measure.

Its features include: the dual backscatter and sidescatter sensors used to measure turbidity; ClearSensor antifouling method for better measurements in biologically active water; shutter/wiper mechanism keeps lenses clean; refillable biocide chamber prevents fouling; optional copper sleeve (especially for seawater) or disposable plastic sleeve facilitates easy clean-up.

Benefits of the device include the combination of a backscatter sensor (better at measuring high turbidity) with a second sidescatter sensor (better at measuring lower turbidity). It has a shutter that is opened only during measurements, which reduces the time that algae or other organisms can cling to its optics.

To prevent biofouling and provide better measurements, the probe’s ClearSensor Method uses a shutter/wiper mechanism to protect and clean the optics. With the ClearSensor method, a chamber is also filled with a biocide that continuously leaches out over the optics while the probe is in the closed position.

Phone: 07 4401 7700
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