Campbell Scientific PVS4150C portable water sampler

Wednesday, 18 January, 2012 | Supplied by: Campbell Scientific Aust Pty Ltd

Campbell Scientific PVS4150C portable water sampler

The PVS4150C portable water sampler can be used for stormwater, wastewater or other water-quality applications.

It has a watertight enclosure constructed of strong, lightweight, HPX resin. Designed for easy transport, the enclosure includes four press-and-pull latches, three soft-grip handles, inline wheels, telescoping handle and flush hinges. It also has two hasps that can be padlocked and quick connectors that facilitate intake hose removal. The enclosure has cavity space for two Zero-Pak gel ice packs (#12396) to control the sample temperature.

The sampler uses an external vacuum pump to draw water through intake tubing, instead of the traditional peristaltic pump that induces flow by squeezing flexible tubing. Advantages of the vacuum pump method include faster sampling rates, longer sampling distances and less maintenance. Because the vacuum method disturbs the water samples less, they better represent the original water solution, especially if the solution has high concentrations of suspended solids.

The pump in the PVS4150C is smaller than the company’s larger models. Its lightweight pump is able to take samples at over 1.52 m/s for horizontal draws of up to 7.62 m. An optional pressure/vacuum gauge shows users that the pump is functioning properly.

Phone: 07 4401 7700
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