In-Situ Aqua TROLL 600 multiparameter sonde
The In-Situ Aqua TROLL 600, distributed by Thermo Fisher Scientific, is a customisable and powerful multiparameter water analysis instrument. It combines water quality sensors with smartphone mobility to collect and analyse users’ data.
The water quality platform is rugged in groundwater and corrosion-resistant in surface water, delivering data in an easy-to-use, flexible instrument that performs for years. It is said to be the only multiparameter sonde to have a sub-2″ active antifouling system with cleanable conductivity.
Base sensor configuration includes EPA-approved optical dissolved oxygen, pH/ORP, turbidity, conductivity, temperature and pressure. The product can be integrated with In-Situ telemetry systems and HydroVu Data Services for real-time feedback on remote monitoring sites.
The LCD display provides an instant visual indication of sensor status, data log, battery life and overall functionality to offer confidence during deployment. The onboard SD card allows for quick and easy data backup and transfer.
A self-compensating turbidity/RDO/level, smart diagnostics and stable sensor technology provide minimal drift with a NIST-traceable factory calibration report. Smart sensors store information internally, maintaining data and calibration within the sensor for traceable results.
Phone: 1300 735 292
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