Clean wash water ensures sustainable operations for Circular Plastics Australia (PET)

Aerofloat (Australia) Pty Ltd
Thursday, 27 May, 2021

Clean wash water ensures sustainable operations for Circular Plastics Australia (PET)

Australia is on a mission to solve its plastics waste issues. The first National Plastics Summit in March 2020 brought leaders from government, business and community sectors together to ensure Australia forms a united front to solve the country’s plastics waste issues.

Circular Plastics Australia (PET) is leading the charge with the construction of a world-class recycling facility in NSW. The company projects the facility will recycle the equivalent of around one billion 600ml PET plastic bottles annually once operational in 2021. The resulting recycled plastic will be used to produce new bottles as well as food and beverage packaging.

Located in Albury, the Circular Plastics Australia (PET) facility is a joint venture between Asahi Beverages, Pact Group Holdings Ltd and Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. Australian company Aerofloat was contracted to design and construct the wastewater treatment system for the project to ensure clean, reusable wash water within the plant and a sustainable end-product. The project heralds the third venture that Pact Recycling and Aerofloat have worked on together.

“It’s terrific to be working with the team at Pact Recycling again, on what is an incredibly important project for Australia’s recycling industry,” said Aerofloat’s General Manager, Michael Anderson.

Aerofloat’s design meets Circular Plastics Australia (PET)’s vision for a sustainable facility that re-uses wash water within the facility, helping to reduce water usage significantly.

Aerofloat’s wastewater treatment plant design provides for expansion of the recycling facility in the future. Its patented circular dissolved air flotation unit, the AeroCircDAF, can treat higher flow volumes of wash water if needed as the facility grows. Additionally, its fully automated, intelligent PLC control system can accommodate the integration of additional Aerofloat technology as the business expands.

“Aerofloat’s partnership with Circular Plastics Australia (PET) ensures compliant wastewater that can be reused as wash water within the recycling plant, helping to reduce the company’s footprint further with significant savings on water usage,” said Anderson.

Aerofloat’s design ensures a sustainable, long-term solution for Circular Plastics Australia (PET). Clean wastewater from the system is either re-used as wash water within the plastics recycling facility or discharged to sewer. Aerofloat is working closely with the local council to ensure its strict policies and guidelines around managing microplastics in its inland waterways are met.

Circular Plastics Australia (PET) and Pact Group predict an astounding increase from around 30,000 tonnes to 50,000 tonnes of locally-sourced and recycled PET being produced annually in Australia through its Albury operation. It means Australia will rely significantly less on virgin plastics and reduce its annual imported recycled plastics quota. The project also ensures Australia reduces its volume of annual exported plastic waste and will help drive the country towards achieving its 2025 National Packaging Targets.

“The National Plastics Summit of 2020 showed that Australians across all sectors are deeply committed to resolving the country’s plastics waste issues. Government, industries and communities alike are working together to ensure we are recognised as world leaders in sustainable plastics recycling within the next five years,” said Anderson.

Aerofloat has created sustainable wastewater treatment designs for major plastics recycling businesses across Australia. The Australian, family-owned company has been awarded for its innovative approach to tackling plastics recycling wastewater issues and offers unique, patented designs to ensure economical and environmentally sustainable solutions for the industry.

Construction of Circular Plastics Australia (PET) is well underway, with operations expected to commence in December 2021. Contact Aerofloat to discuss your plastics recycling wastewater issues at

Image caption: Concept image of Aerofloat’s wastewater treatment system for Circular Plastics Australia (PET).

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