3D modelling tool for wastewater plant

Friday, 22 September, 2006 | Supplied by: http://www.halliburton.com/

Optioneer is a 3D modelling software tool that allows users to 'virtually' design, configure and automatically cost multiple options for a water or wastewater treatment plant at the concept design phase. It can produce process flow diagrams (PFDs) on screen using template icons for more than 100 pieces of plant and equipment. Smart data associated with the PFD icons automatically convey dimensions and shape to the 3D images, and each piece of equipment can be 'dragged' and located into the 3D environment. The process of cutting 3D shapes and sizes into the 3D topography is automatic, as is the calculation of cut and fill volumes for preliminary construction and final trim earthworks surfaces.

Another feature is its pipeline configuration - pipeline connections in the PFD become 3D images located in plan and dragged in elevation to an appropriate grade-line, avoiding clashes with existing pipes. Layouts can be optimised based on topographic, process and cost factors, saving time and rework later.

The software does more than streamline the design process. It also helps stakeholders choose the option that best meets the project's physical, financial and scheduling constraints. It produces a fly-through or walk-through of alternative layouts, allowing concept options to be readily communicated to all interested parties and collaborative concept option engineering to occur. For each option, the software automatically calculates material quantities and capital and operating costs: historical costing data provide the basis of live cost estimates as overall equipment, pipeline, roadworks and earthworks layouts evolve.

The software can produce virtual design and costing of any wastewater asset, on greenfield or brownfield topography.

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