Sewer odour control

Wednesday, 17 August, 2005 | Supplied by:

The OCS Ferrogard systems comprise a range of automated flow-paced chemical dosing units for sewer odour control. They are available in a range of sizes allowing for a whole-of-system approach from small flows in upstream catchments through to large carrier mains.

The operation of the Ferrogard dosing pump is linked to the sewage pump. When the sewage pump operates it sends a signal to the dosing pump to operate. Product is dosed directly into the rising main. Controls are used to prevent unnecessary overdosing due to sewer pump malfunctions or during wet weather flow conditions.

Advantages include: delivers dose directly into the rising main thus avoiding contact with pump station infrastructure; delivers the precise dose at the precise time; dosing is self-regulating for diurnal and seasonal flow patterns; and product usage is kept to the minimum required.

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