Recycling directory for businesses
A free, online directory containing information about recycling and waste disposal services for Australian small to medium-sized businesses is now available. has been established by Planet Ark in association with the Department of Environment Climate Change and Water NSW and Pitney Bowes. It contains Australia-wide listings of re-use and recycling collection and drop-off locations for more than 100 different materials in one easy-to-access site.
Modelled on Planet Ark’s, which provides recycling information and drop-off location listings for a wide variety of household items, BusinessRecycling is designed for the small to medium business operator who is seeking recycling services. The directory covers construction and demolition, restaurant, retail, electronic, paper and plastic waste.
B-cycle launches holiday battery safety campaign
At the end of the summer holidays, homes across Australia are left with a large number of used...
NSW initiative tackles food waste at the source
Approximately 1.7 million tonnes of food waste is sent to landfill in the state each year.
NSW celebrates recycling triumph
Considerable progress has been made in the New South Wales recycling sector, with the state now...