Container deposit systems will cost consumers more

Monday, 02 March, 2009

Australian Food and Grocery Council Chief Executive Kate Carnell said that it was disappointing that high-profile members of the community were still calling for costly, outdated 1970s solutions to 2009 challenges.

She was responding to calls from Ian Kiernan for governments to introduce container deposit legislation ahead of a Ministerial Beverage Container Investigation due in May this year.

Carnell said that introducing container deposit systems would mean that consumers would have to pay more for their products and would undermine the viability of the kerbside recycling programs that collect a lot more than just bottles and cans, which only make up 3% of the total waste stream.

“It’s not just the deposit that would add costs, there’s also the handling fees. Based on a 10 cent deposit and a four cent handling fee, the cost of a carton of beer would increase by $4 to $5," Carnell said.

“Container deposit systems just don’t stack up in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Victoria, which doesn’t have container deposit, recycles 20 kg more packaging per capitata than South Australia, which does have container deposit.”

Carnell said that it was really important to support and improve kerbside recycling and recycling in pubs and clubs.

“The AFGC through the Packaging Stewardship Forum is already working on improving recycling from workplaces, the hospitality sector and shopping centres. With National Packaging Covenant (NPC), we have a range of projects underway to recycle an extra 60,000 tonnes of packaging each year and that includes beverage containers," Carnell said.

The AFGC is a signatory to the NPC, which is supported by industry and all levels of government to reduce the environmental impact of packaging waste.

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