Call for expressions of interest
Sustainability Victoria is calling for expressions of interest for projects to develop and implement new collection service models and improved logistics for the recovery of commercial and industrial post-consumer recyclable packaging.
This program has been funded by the National Packaging Covenant (NPC) and will assist Victoria to achieve its Towards Zero Waste target to divert 80% of commercial and industrial waste by 2014 and the NPC target to increase recycling of post-consumer packaging to 65%.
Projects must recover greater than 5000 tonnes from commercial and industrial premises.
A range of small-to-medium enterprises, such as shopping centres, hotels and restaurants, institutions and health care, industrial estates, office buildings, nurseries and workplace lunch rooms, have been identified as priorities under the NPC due to the low or non-existent levels of recovery of post-consumer packaging.
Priority materials include traditional recyclables such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastics coded 1–3, metal and aluminium, and non-traditional recyclables such as plastics coded 4–7, expanded polystyrene (EPS), timber, glass and metals.
Projects must demonstrate an integrated approach of infrastructure, education and behaviour change elements to increase the recovery of recyclable packaging materials.
Projects must meet NPC action priorities for 2008 and reflect the covenant’s goals and relevant targets, which can be found at
Funding is available for projects commencing from 2 March 2009 and concluding by 31 May 2010.
Further information, including the application kit and the EOI form, is available from Sustainability Victoria’s ResourceSmart website.
Expressions of interest will be accepted for a five-week period from 3 November until 3 pm 5 December 2008.
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