Washdown facility to protect agricultural land

Friday, 22 January, 2016 | Supplied by: Wiley & Co Pty Ltd

Washdown facility to protect agricultural land

A heavy-vehicle washdown facility has been opened in the regional town of Dalby, Queensland. The opening of the facility marks a significant achievement for the Western Downs Regional Council in meeting the objectives of its Regional Biosecurity control program.

The control program will minimise and control the spread of weed seed, in particular Parthenium, throughout the region. This will enable the long-term protection of the agricultural land and a reduction of livestock manure and effluent spillage on the region’s road networks.

Engineering company Wiley was engaged to design and construct the washdown facility in order to service the agricultural sector as well as coal seam gas (CSG) and mining vehicles. The council valued Wiley’s collaborative approach, working closely with all key stakeholders to ensure the requirements of all end users were served.

The facility includes truck and 4WD wash bays, washdown effluent wastewater collection and screening, effluent wastewater treatment and sludge management. It is able to service all vehicle types and is particularly suitable for large livestock vehicles. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and designed to handle peak use on Tuesdays due to the weekly cattle sale each Wednesday.

Wiley’s Michael Matthewson with Mayor Ray Brown and Councillor Greg Olm cutting the ribbon at the opening.

“The Western Downs Regional Council should be commended for taking the initiative to provide a facility that will help control the spread of a serious threat to the local land and the livelihoods of the people who live and work in the region,” said Wiley’s business operations manager for regional Queensland, Michael Matthewson. “Council should also be congratulated for its commitment to delivering successful projects through stakeholder engagement and supporting the local subcontractors and suppliers wherever possible.”

Online: www.wiley.com.au
Phone: 07 3859 8888
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