WeatherHawk 520 bushfire emergency weather stations

Tuesday, 18 January, 2011 | Supplied by: Campbell Scientific Aust Pty Ltd

WeatherHawk 520 bushfire emergency weather stations

Fire professionals need powerful, portable technologies to assist in making strategic decisions in times of emergency, for resource planning and for scheduled fire management programs. The WeatherHawk 520 is a simple, quick, monitoring and reporting system that can be used in extreme environments to alert and notify of changing weather conditions. When bundled with a solar power supply, the station can work as a drop-and-run, back-to-base weather station, suitable for multiple placements when real-time reporting is essential.

Measuring wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, solar radiation, rainfall, air temperature and relative humidity, the rugged sensor system has no moving parts and includes an integral data logger, 3 Ah battery pack and wireless 922 MHz spread spectrum radio.

Features include: quick, easy set-up; suitable for fire professionals, prescribed burning/rapid response; no specialist training required; wireless connectivity; low maintenance; smart power management.

Phone: 07 4401 7700
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