What do you know about your water supply?
The Australian Water Association (AWA), in partnership with Arup, is investigating community attitudes to and understanding of water usage and availability across the country.
The 2015 Australian Water Survey asks respondents what they think and know about water in Australia. The information provided will assist in engaging and empowering communities to help make sure that water is readily available and protected in the future.
“A survey of this nature will be an invaluable tool for water utilities and the government in understanding the evolution of consumer behaviour and awareness of our most precious resource: water,” said AWA Chief Executive Jonathan McKeown, who explained that engaging the community on key water issues and choices is vital to delivering the best results.
The survey results will collectively offer a better understanding of how water utilities, governments and communities can better regulate and protect water resources. Responses from a wide range of people across Australia will be invaluable for the research, with Arup Australasia Water Leader Daniel Lambert stating, “We really want to hear from all Australians.
“Water usage and security is a key consideration for the water industry,” continued Lambert, “and to gain an understanding of what people living in a city like Tamworth or an inner-city suburb or dairy farm in Tasmania think is really going to help us approach water management moving forward.”
The survey is available online at www.australianwatersurvey.com.au until 31 August. If you provide your email address, you will go into the draw for a $500 travel voucher.
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