Logan Water Alliance recognised at Queensland Engineering Excellence Awards

Thursday, 27 September, 2012

The Logan Water Alliance has been honoured by industry peers at the 2012 Queensland Engineering Excellence Awards, taking out the Reports, Procedures and Systems awards.

The alliance is a public-private sector partnership comprising Logan City Council and engineering service providers Tenix, Parsons Brinckerhoff and Cardno. It was established in August 2009 to plan, design, construct and commission new and improved water and wastewater infrastructure across Logan City, a fast-growing area situated between Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

Since inception, the alliance has delivered over 40 capital works projects valued at more than $90 million. The new pipelines, pumping stations and reservoirs will service both current and future generations.

Speaking of the win, Tenix CEO Ross Taylor said, “Tenix is proud of the alliance and its achievements. The award is an honour, but equally important is that we have been able to contribute to the development of vital community infrastructure in a safe and sustainable way.”

The Logan City Roads and Water Infrastructure Committee Chairperson, Councillor Don Petersen, said one of the most impressive aspects of the alliance was its rigorous approach in planning and delivering its works.

“It has an enviable track record delivering infrastructure in a manner that minimises community and environmental impacts. This has included saving more than 3600 trees in approved construction corridors and rehabilitating 12 hectares of Greenwood Lakes Reserve at Forestdale to offset vegetation removal at worksites.”

The Logan Water Alliance has now been recognised in a number of awards for its focus on building sustainable outcomes for the region.

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