Energy and water saving in NSW

Monday, 19 December, 2005

One of the NSW government's water and energy savings initiatives is for certain categories of high water and energy users (as well as state agencies and local councils) to be required to prepare Savings Action Plans setting out measures to save water and energy. This approach is designed to improve water and energy efficiency in New South Wales and encourage cost-effective investments.

High business users have been notified in writing by DEUS that water and/or electricity data show they are among the highest water/energy users and may be required to prepare a Savings Action Plan.

Local councils have also been notified.

Businesses in Sydney Water's area of operations using more than 50 ML/year are required to prepare Water Savings Action Plans and businesses in NSW using more than 10 GWh/year are required to prepare Energy Savings Action Plans.

Local councils in Sydney Water's area of operations are required to prepare Water Savings Action Plans and larger local councils (by population) in NSW are required to prepare Energy Savings Action Plans.

To ensure that government leads by example, state government agencies will also be required to prepare Water and Energy Savings Action Plans.

The Water Savings Action Plans are required to be prepared by 31 March 2006, and Energy Savings Action Plans by a nominated date in 2006, starting with the highest users.

The Savings Action Plans are to be prepared in accordance with Guidelines. These Guidelines have been drafted by DEUS based on similar approaches used elsewhere in Australia and overseas for identifying water and energy savings measures. The focus is on getting outcomes in an effective, practical and expeditious way.

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