Protecting your reputation with independent sustainability assurance
Supplied by BSI on Thursday, 27 March, 2025
With growing distrust in business sustainability efforts, new tools are needed to legitimise corporate actions. While ESG reporting regimes aid transparency, distinct value chain approaches to reporting highlights the need for alternative mechanisms to restore accountability.
Learn how to ensure reliable and accurate sustainability claims and ESG reporting through independent assurance. Discover how to enhance stakeholder confidence and positive impact in the Australian and New Zealand contexts, benefiting from impartial assurance with international reach.
Advanced measurement of pH/ORP, conductivity and oxygen
Learn about a mobile innovation that measures pH/ORP, conductivity and oxygen with the...
Confined spaces in the water industry - the risks and how to address them
Some of the worst places...
Blower technology solutions — minimise OPEX, maximise efficiency
The largest operating cost for a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is energy. The largest of...