Kamstrup MULTICAL smart meters for water, heating and cooling
The MULTICAL range of smart energy meters, by Kamstrup, is used to meter and submeter water and thermal energy use in large residential and commercial buildings.
More and more property managers and building owners are introducing individual metering in their buildings. By installing individual consumption meters for each department or tenant, they receive precise measurements and a constant flow of data. The key to these results is in the meter, with advances in technology bringing about static meters that are said to be precise and provide long-term stability.
The use of meters eases the burden of administration and manpower, allocates cost fairly and offers transparency of water and thermal energy use. This transparency can be used to actively steer and reduce consumption, simply by changing behaviours.
Phone: 08 9472 0122
VECOW AIC-110 IoT gateway
Backplane Systems Technology is pleased to present VECOW’s AIC-110.
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