New vision brings Queensland's renewable hydrogen project to life

Wednesday, 18 September, 2024

New vision brings Queensland's renewable hydrogen project to life

Stanwell has unveiled a new fly-through animation of Queensland’s renewable hydrogen project which brings the Central Queensland Hydrogen Project (CQ-H2) to life.

The global-scale CQ-H2, led by publicly owned Stanwell in partnership with consortium members, is expected to deliver $14.5 billion in hydrogen exports and add $8.9 billion to the region’s Gross Regional Product. The initial phase will produce 200,000 tonnes per day, scaling up to 800,000 tonnes per day.

The fly-through captures all the critical elements of CQ-H2 and what it will look like when completed by flying through each part of the project, including the hydrogen production facility that will use Queensland’s sunshine and wind to produce renewable hydrogen; hydrogen gas pipeline; and hydrogen liquefaction facility and ammonia production facility at Gladstone Port.

It also includes ACCIONA Energia’s Aldoga Solar Farm adjacent to the project, which will supply renewable energy to CQ-H2 through a long-term power purchase agreement with Stanwell.

CQ-H2 aims to be operational by 2029 and intends to export renewable hydrogen and ammonia to Japan and Singapore, as well as supplying large industrial customers in Central Queensland.

CQ-H2 is one of six shortlisted projects and the only Queensland project being considered for the federal government’s Hydrogen Headstart funding being delivered by ARENA.

The visualisation was created in collaboration with the VISER team at QUT, part of the Research Infrastructure Portfolio and home of The Cube.

To view the animation, visit

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