The driving force behind electric vehicles

By Carolyn Jackson, Editor
Thursday, 24 May, 2007

A new study into two very different attempts to introduce zero-emission vehicles by governments highlights how cultural differences can influence policy on technological innovation.

Cultural differences between countries run right to the heart of government, thereby influencing technological innovation, according to a comparative study by David Calef and Robert Goble.

Details of the study were published recently in the journal Policy Sciences. In it, the authors outline efforts taken throughout the 1990s by both the US and French governments to adopt legislation to improve urban air quality by promoting clean vehicles, specifically electric vehicles (EV).

The study highlights the differences in approach and policy-making style by both governments and how this might have affected the final outcome.

Heavy-handed approach to zero emissions

In the Californian example, mandates were instituted that required zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) to make up a certain percentage of car production and sales, with fines imposed for not reaching targets.

Both the oil and automotive industries opposed this and lobbied heavily against it. There was intensive media coverage of this debate and environmentalists spoke out on both sides.

All parties were locked in a confrontational relationship, fuelled by a longstanding mutual mistrust. Public participation was also openly sought.

France's softly, softly approach

In contrast, the French mandate was characterised by heavy government involvement. Much of the interaction between government and businesses was conducted 'behind closed doors', free of public scrutiny.

Unlike the US, no group ever complained that EVs were a problem. A treaty was made between the state-owned electricity company, the auto industry and local administrative institutions to contribute to the EV.

No penalties were imposed for failing to meet targets and subsidies were provided to encourage individuals to buy EVs.

The diversity in the policies adopted reflected both practical and cultural differences between the US and France.

American cities are characterised by urban sprawl, which makes EVs difficult to use, the fuel tax is low and the environmental lobby is political and vocal.

France's cities, conversely, have a typically dense layout, making EVs more practical. The nuclear power industry has little opposition and has excess capacity to provide electricity. Awareness of green issues in France is low and the high fuel tax is a substantial source of revenue for the government.

In the end, the different ways used to achieve the same goal had no effect on the outcome. Both countries failed to reduce urban pollution in line with targets.

Technology innovation over behavioural change

However, the stricter legislation in the US compelled the automotive industry to come up with an alternative solution, which it did, in the form of hybrid cars. This is typical, the authors observed, because in the US technological solutions are preferred over behavioural change.

In France, technological solutions are strongly related to national prestige as a form of cultural elitism. France failed to make this a 'grand project' and the lack of public awareness may have failed to drive it forward.

This comparison shows that individual cultures still have 'standard operating procedures' which reflect 'deep-rooted national political and social cultures' despite increasing globalisation. It also suggests that governments should take into account the cultural dimension when promoting policy change.

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