Latest Articles

Getting closer to a circular economy for plastics

A new process that vaporises hard-to-recycle plastics in order to make recycled plastics has been developed at the University of California, Berkeley.

Waste 05 September, 2024

Scaling up critical minerals processing to meet green energy demands

Demand for critical minerals for green energy is set to quadruple in the next five years — find out how demonstration plants can play a role in scaling up the...

Sustainability 04 September, 2024

Beef processor selects wastewater pump solution for dual purpose

John Dee Warwick wanted to upgrade its wastewater pump system to handle the day-to-day flows while also being able to ramp up during storm conditions.

Wastewater 04 September, 2024

GECA releases position statement on making recycled content claims

What you exclude on recycled content claims can be just as meaningful (or misleading) as what you include on product labels.

Sustainability 02 September, 2024

Waste not, want not: exploring the 2024 Waste Expo Conference

With the 2024 Waste Expo Australia event just around the corner, the conference schedule has been released, detailing an extensive program of industry speakers.

Waste 02 September, 2024

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Energy Efficiency
Decarbonising the industrial process sector

Decarbonising the industrial process sector

A new type of thermochemical reactor designed by researchers at Stanford Engineering has potential to decarbonise many industrial processes,...

Article 21 August, 2024
Scaling up critical minerals processing to meet green energy demands

Scaling up critical minerals processing to meet green energy demands

Demand for critical minerals for green energy is set to quadruple in the next five years — find out how demonstration plants can play a role...

Article 04 September, 2024
Future Made in Australia needs water to make it happen

Future Made in Australia needs water to make it happen

Boosting technologies and manufacturing for a Future Made in Australia could get off to a healthy start if we focus on water security solutions,...

Article 18 July, 2024
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