Turner Designs C-sense in situ pCO2 sensor
Turner Designs offers C-sense, a compact, lightweight pCO2 sensor for measuring the partial pressure of gas in liquids. Designed for applications involving immersion in water, oil or water and oil mixtures, the product combines an oil-resistant membrane interface with a compact, temperature-compensated, non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) detector.
Small (<5 x 20.3 cm) and lightweight (<0.5 kg) with low power requirements (6-12 VDC, 80 mA @ 6 VDC) and a simple 4-pin analog output, the sensor is designed to easily integrate with monitoring systems. It is offered in three range configurations - 1000, 2000 or 4000 ppm - with accuracies at 3% of full scale and can be deployed to a depth of 600 m.
Phone: 02 9894 4511
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